Ho Sun Hing Print Shop
Vancouver Chinatown’s oldest print shop is closing down.
Ho Sun Hing Print Shop started out as a rubber stamp company that evolved into a full-time print shop; this family run business is over a century old.
This past week, my colleagues and I visited Ho Sun Hing.
There is so much history hidden in the dusty shop. We managed to purchase some lead type for our employer, Emily Carr University of Art and Design. The students will benefit from learning how to print on the beautiful, historical type.
Chinatown has changed so much lately. It pains me to see the fast gentrification of this neighbourhood. I have so many memories of Chinatown, but now it is a place for rich hipsters and yuppies. As my 76-year-old dad says, “Lots of shops closing down. Mostly white people businesses now.”
