Music to Pictures

I realize that most blogs are pretty boring, so to help you out, I added a David Bowie youtube soundtrack. Press the on the video and maybe it will jazz up this entry.

Ted and my dear friend Jacqueline keep reminding me to do yoga during this residency. A couple of years ago, I injured my back; it tends to hurt from hours of standing on a studio floor and doing repetitive tasks. After last year’s residency,

I spent the whole summer going to physiotherapy and doing lots of power yoga. Here’s proof now and thank you for caring. xo

I did not get up to much today. On Sundays, shops and businesses are closed – even supermarkets. However, galleries and museums are open. I went to the Museum voor Moderne Kunst Arnhem. It’s a small modern art museum with a focus on fashion.

After that, I went to PlaatsMaken to check out their art sale/fundraiser. They were selling artist books and prints from their archives. As I stepped out to enjoy some ice cream, it started to rain torrentially. I waited it out a bit and when it looked somewhat clear, I decided that it would best if I went back to the apartment. As I peddled, the rain started up again. By the time I got home, I was soaked. The Dutch have not had a summer at all, so we thought we had it bad in Vancouver…Well, at least there was a rainbow.

Tomorrow’ focus: printing as the screens have been prepped!



Ⓒ Marlene Yuen 2025 - All rights reserved